Electronic Claims Submission

Best IT Experts submits all your claims electronically within 24 hours from the time we receive the encounters. Electronic claim speeds up overall claim processing times. It also provides a confirmation that your claims have reached the payer on time. Electronic claims reduce your claims submission expenses by 40% to 50%. Electronic claims reduce rejections and denials drastically. We can submit the claims directly to many payers and also use many different clearing houses.

Electronic claim submission allows you to reduce your administrative expenses and improves cash flow substantially. Many payers have very strict claim filing time limits. Electronic claim filing helps us to stay on time and enhance cash flow. As soon as claims are filed electronically a confirmation and rejection report is generated.

These reports help us to improve operational efficiency. Confirmation reports provide us the list of claims that have gone through to the payers. Rejection reports provide us the list of incomplete claims. Electronic claims submitted are commonly scrubbed for payer, specialty and coding rules. We work on rejected claims immediately and resubmit them with required corrections.

Our Submission Process Helps You to

  • Accelerate cash flow
  • Reduce your administrative expenses
  • Increase clean claims submission
  • Speed up claim submission timeframe
  • Reduce rejections and denials

Call us today, or complete our Free Trial/Contact Form for a free evaluation of your requirements! We will discuss your specific needs and provide a customized proposal for your business.